July 12 - July 18: Natalie Laswell: To Unravel

August 2 - 8: Kalaija Mallery: Virtuous Beasts

August 9 - 15: Melissa Gueiros: Rhythms of Grace

August 23 - 29: Ray Rogers: Colossal

August 30 - September 5: Joseph Rodriguez: Building Blocks

September 6 - 12: Robert Fields: Exiled (Artist Concept):
Daydreams & Nightmares of Home

Sept 13 - 19: Jeffrey Rosenthal: Nebulous Complications
Nine Exhibitions / Nine Weeks
July 12 – September 19, 2020
Fourteen30 Contemporary is pleased to showcase nine Thesis exhibitions of the Pacific Northwest College of Art’s Low-Residency MFA in Visual Studies. Presented as a series of solo exhibitions, each the duration of seven days, July 12 through September 19, 2020.
Taking place during the global COVID-19 pandemic, as well as a national civil rights movement, the preceding exhibitions are an opportunity for nine burgeoning artists to be seen on a wider contemporary art platform. Fourteen30 Contemporary joins a list of galleries throughout the US, including Perrotin gallery (New York) and Steve Turner (Los Angeles), in presenting graduating classes of 2020 in unprecedented times. Additional student exhibitions can be seen virtually on “Thesis Shows 2020,” a website conceived by the graduating photography class at the Rhode Island School of Design and built by the students Yueying Erin Wang and Travis Morehead. It links to documentation of complete exhibitions by the entire class at 75 art programs in the United States and Canada.
July 12 - July 18: Natalie Laswell: To Unravel
July 19 - July 25: Sydney Leja: Beauty Within Death
July 26 - August 1: Patrick Durka: Worlding
August 2 - 8: Kalaija Mallery: Virtuous Beasts
August 9 - 15: Melissa Gueiros: Rhythms of Grace
August 23 - 29: Ray Rogers: Colossal
August 30 - September 5: Joseph Rodriguez: Building Blocks
September 6 - 12: Robert Fields: Exiled (Artist Concept):
Daydreams & Nightmares of Home
Sept 13 - 19: Jeffrey Rosenthal: Nebulous Complications
Rooted in critical investigation and rigorous, self-disciplined creative practice, the Low-Residency MFA in Visual Studies program is ideal for motivated students who can work independently, who desire a flexible structure, and who are seeking the challenge and community of an immersive graduate program, inclusive of both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary practices.